all postcodes in YO15 / BRIDLINGTON

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO15 2AA 1 54.084436 -0.194564
YO15 2AB 8 54.084518 -0.194056
YO15 2AD 1 54.084996 -0.194173
YO15 2AE 19 54.083773 -0.192896
YO15 2AJ 1 54.083204 -0.19211
YO15 2AL 21 54.08372 -0.192409
YO15 2AP 14 54.085195 -0.195418
YO15 2AR 8 54.085011 -0.195762
YO15 2AS 1 54.08562 -0.195567
YO15 2AT 5 54.0866 -0.193186
YO15 2AU 2 54.086015 -0.192554
YO15 2AX 0 54.087272 -0.191887
YO15 2AZ 0 54.086552 -0.191827
YO15 2BA 3 54.085417 -0.192228
YO15 2BG 6 54.084908 -0.191914
YO15 2BH 1 54.084285 -0.192308
YO15 2BN 1 54.083964 -0.19249
YO15 2BW 2 54.085533 -0.194562
YO15 2DB 1 54.08228 -0.191661
YO15 2DE 1 54.082203 -0.191343